Vocals and organ: Aurelia Le Huche
Original music and lyrics: Suede
Music and vocals: Aurelia Le Huche
Spoken poem lyrics by Emma Lundenmark (2024).
Sung poem lyrics ”Rêve pour l’ hiver” by Arthur Rimbaud (1870), translated by Elias Wraak.
The song was made for a reading of the exquisite novel ”Kaczka” by Emma Lundenmark, performed at Rönnells Antikvariat in a Stockholm blizzard, april 2024.
Music, lyrics, organ, vocals: Aurelia Le Huche
Recording: Linus Segerstedt at Hanagren studios
Mixing: Mira Eklund and Kelly Wedin
Originally performed at Gustav Vasa kyrka 2019
Organ recorded in Gustav Vasa kyrka
Vocals, omnichord: Aurelia Le Huche
Music and lyrics: Jonas Viktor Bergman
Artwork: Jonas Viktor Bergman
Vocals, organ: Aurelia Le Huche
Original: snosnhoJ eht dna ynotnA
Vocals: Lo Siri
Harmonies: Aurelia Le Huche
Guitar: Mårten Holmberg
Original: Alice Babs
Recorded and mixed by Linus Segerstedt at Hanagren studios.

Music and lyrics written by: Sibille Attar
Produced by: Sibille Attar
Mixed by: Sibille Attar
Mastered by: Philip Granqvist
Musicians: Linnea Olsson, (cello), Joacim Nilsson, (bass), Sibille Attar, (multiple instruments)
French end-monologue written and read by: Aurelia Le Huche
Artwork illustration: Gustaf Holtenäs
Artwork creative direction: Martin Falck

Vocals, cither: Aurelia Le Huche.
Original song by Trazan och Banarne.

AltrOck 2009
All music composed and recorded by Simon Steensland
Vocals – Aurelia Le HucheEva Rexed mfl

Övriga musikprojekt:

Underground 2014-15

Vocals, synth, omnichord: Aurelia Le Huche, Vocals, guitar: Jonas Viktor Bergman, Salmodicum: Mats Lundell, Bass: Figge Askegren, John Ax

Moby Cunts 2008-2011

Vocals, bass, harmonium: Aurelia Le Huche, Violin: Frida Spång, Harmonium: Maja Frykberg Andersson, Bass: Mika Oijens, Percussion: Elin Skärstarnd, Saskia Oljelund, Karolina Hyllner, Composer: Simon Steensland

Audionom 2005-2006

Vocals: Koffe Berger, Synth, vocals: Johan Hinders
Guitar: Andreas Bergman, Mårten Holmberg, Bass: Jonas Viktor Bergman, Christian Berg, Synth: Henrik Hannebo, Drums: Paul Sigerhall, Percussion: Aurelia Le Huche, Visuals: Martin Malm